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EVENTS: Please Join Me!

January 9, 2025, 2-3pm
Guest on The Future Trends Forum
Please RSVP at link

Future Trends Forum: Focus on Student Mental Health  A virtual conversation about the future of higher education, with Bryan Alexander

January 15, 2025 7-9pm
Zoom book talk with Greg Epstein, author of "Tech Agnostic" 

Has technology replaced religion as the central focus of our lives?

Do we rely more on our devices than our communities for our news and our political opinions?

How do these and other stressors affect our mental health?

Stuyvesant Alumni from all class years are invited to join us for a lively discussion of these questions and ideas on how to manage our modern-day environment, in our upcoming virtual book talk with Greg M. Epstein '95, author of Tech Agnostic, and Doris Iarovici, MD '83, author of Coping on Campus, on January 15, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST. The discussion will be moderated by Neeraj Singh, MD '01.https://www.stuyalumni.org/events/virtual-book-talk-with-authors-greg-epstein-95-doris-iarovici-83/