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Doris Iarovici grew up in New York City after arriving there at age 5 from Romania. She began writing shortly thereafter, and first published poetry and essays in Seventeen Magazine as a teenager. A graduate of Yale College and the Yale University School of Medicine, she has since divided her time between writing and medicine, and has published both fiction and non-fiction.


Her newest book, Coping on Campus: Mental Health and the University Student, released in December 2024, is available below or at your favorite bookstore.


Her most recent fiction collection, Minus One, can be ordered below or through your favorite bookstore.


She has been awarded writing fellowships from the Djerassi Resident Artists' Program in California, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Virginia, Hambidge Center in Georgia, Vermont Studio Center, and the North Carolina Arts Council.

She works as a psychiatrist at Harvard University, and lives in Boston.